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Reiki is sacred practice and traditional technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing in your body.
Coaching is a type of talking therapy based on the belief that you can find the unique answers to your own unique questions.
The practice of Reiki and Coaching helps restore balance and peace within your Being.
During your Reiki and Coaching session Rosalind will lay her hands over and on your body, and work intuitively as guided.
You remain comfortable, and clothed, and relaxed.
The energy goes where it is needed. As complex as you are, you can trust that the energy will help with what you need, when you need it, in the dose you need it.
While science is beginning to be advanced enough to measure the benefits of energy work, it is still a force that is more magical and ethereal than our words and understanding can fully comprehend.
In my experience, Coached Energy sessions can help with;
Click the link below to see the science behind what we do.
C. Honey,
You can expect to sit, and talk, and share the aspects of your life that you feel need attention. Whatever comes up, let it out.
The rest of your session will take place on the reiki couch. You lie down and can allow yourself to sink in to a state of deep relaxation.
After your session you will feel more relaxed, and peaceful.
The energy goes where it is needed, and it may be somewhere we didn't expect. You may feel energized and buzzing, or you may feel more tired than normal.
Some people feel thirsty and need to pee more frequently than usual.
These feelings are all ok, your body is doing what it needs to do.
Feed yourself the best food you can; fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables, and water, for example.
As a responsible energy worker I want you to know that I welcome your feedback, and am here to support you in your evolution.
In short, no. Rosalind lays her hands over your body, a few centimetres above your clothes. Sometimes she may touch you over your clothes, and on your hands and head. Sometimes she will intuitively massage some parts of your body, typically hands and feet.
We do not offer massage.
Wear clothes you feel comfortable in. The sort of clothes you might wear to lounge on the sofa at a close friends house, or at home. Loose fitting jogging bottoms and a t-shirt is great, but any clothes you find comfortable is fine. Some people feel most comfortable in a smart shirt and chino's; that's fine too!
You'll take your shoes off when you arrive,.
To the energy worker the Energy feels like unconditional love.
Rosalind works to be a clear channel for the energy to work through, for your highest good.
Yes, Rosalind would love to work with you. You can take part in your session from the comfort of your own home, from anywhere in the world.
This is because Rosalind has been blessed with her Reiki 2 attunement from her trusted friend and Reilki Master, Theresa Rich of Trinity Therapies, East Sussex, UK. This means Rosalind can connect with you from afar, and direct the energy to you remotely.
Rosalind can work in person, or remotely. This is the magic of Reiki and energy!
Please give at least 24 hours notice to amend or cancel your appointment.
Thank you.
Yes! That's why we do it. You can read peer reviewed academic studies on our 'Does it work?' page. Our aim is to be of service, to make a difference, to make heaven a place on earth. We are trained professionals who take our roles seriously, with joy. We do it because it works.